mattachine REVIEW
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $4 per year in the U.S., Canada and Mexico: single copies 50 cents. $5 per year elsewhere. All copies mailed first class sealed in plain envelope-
STAFF: Publications Director and Editor, Hal Call; Business Manager, D. Stewart Lucas, Production Director, Henry Foster, Jr Editorial Board: Richard Mayer, Gonzalo Segura, Jr. Carl B. Harding. MANUSCRIPTS: Original articles, reviews of current books, letters and comment for publication are solicited on a no-fee basis. Where return of manuscript is desired. first class postage should be included.
ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted only from publishers and/or authors of books, magazines and periodicals concerning homosexual and related sex behavior subjects, and from book stores or mail order book services in this field Rates upon application. Publisher reserves right to reject any and all advertising.
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COPYRIGHT 1958 by the Mattachine Society. Inc All rights reserved to material not otherwise credited.
mattachine DIRECTORY
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Communications to branch offices above should be addressed in all cases in care of Mattachine Society, Inc.
mattachine REVIEW
(Continued from page 16)
manliest of men. It is thus undeniable that he who would assault the ramparts of hypocrisy and prejudice with reason and logic is a paragon among men he who would extend the frontiers of human thought and understanding leaps across the time barrier with his worthy efforts, the effects of which go marching on after he is gone.
We all enjoy the many benefits in other social areas which have accrued through the years. Others in the past assailed the walls of intolerance and gave us freedom of speech and press, universal sufferage, freedom of religion and a host of other rights. Without these freedoms we would hardly be in a position today to fight for further expansion of human rights.
The charming French custom of saving a few drops of wine to pour back to the earth symbolizes a gratitude to the source from which the wine came. This is exactly what we must do in regard to the freedoms we have inherited from the past we must 'pour a little back.' It is our debt to the intrepid champions of the past who put aside their small personal comforts and conveniences to struggle for the dignity of man. We owe it to these indomitable spirits to carry on the eradication of man's abasement of his brothers to perpetuate for all times the actual guarantee of those glorious words, "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." It is our obligation to the young and the unborn to forge ahead unrelentingly so that they may never know the bewilderment and dark confusion of being ejected into a world which imperiously points to the individual born without legs and commands, "Dance!”
If a man is imbued with the soundness of his beliefs if he is charged with righteous indignation and is, at the same time, cognizant of his efforts and their correlations to the other great battles for human freedom, how can he continue to repudiate himself and all that he believes and stands for by concealing his true identity -by accepting the heterosexual code of non-existence for the homosexual? Many of us are familiar with Pavlov's experiments with the dogs. For many days a bell was rung while the dogs were feeding and finally, on an appointed day, the bell was rung although the food was withheld. The dogs salivated excessively, showing the power of conditioning on the living brain. We are all molded and shaped by conditioning. This is inescapable, and great strength of conviction is required for one to perform an about-face in the behavior pattems which have been created over many long years. But this does not necessarily have to be done tomorrow or next week the recognition
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